

Welcome to my blog on investing in Singapore.

I started investing in November 2014 and this blog was set up in June 2015 to share my thoughts on investing in Singapore and also to share information such as analyzing financial statements, budgeting, personal finance, etc, which I hope are useful to the readers of this blog. I will also talk about managing your budget and expenses, as I think that they are also important to your overall financial health. Also hope to get comments from readers of this blog on the different insights gained and also to share their own experiences of investing or their own journey to financial freedom.

I am just another ordinary Singaporean dreaming of working towards financial freedom. Thinking that I do not want to work for money all my life, I am dreaming of having my money do the heavy lifting for me so that I can attain financial freedom. Not very keen to share my portfolio or my identity at the moment so please don't ask.

If you would like more info on myself and my blog, you can also look at GiraffeValue's interview with me at Some Ideas on Investing in Singapore • Giraffe’s Coffee


  1. Hi there (fellow unknown investor),

    Glad to see someone new and interested in the topic of personal finance. I too have only just started few years ago. Hopefully we can learn from each other.


    1. Hi InvestingWolf,

      This blog was set up for ideas to be shared so feel free to read its posts and post your comments or suggestions on them as well so we can all learn from each other :)

      Just Some Thoughts

  2. Hello,

    Welcome to beautifull world of investing.
    You'll notice this is a road of ups and downs, but keep in mind to never lose your focus towards your goal of financial independence!

    I've also started the same journey a few years ago and all I can say is:
    from the good opportunities we earn money and from the bad ones we learn valuable lessons!


    1. Hi Jesse,

      Thank you for your words of encouragement :) I guess that investing is not always for the weak at heart and we have be greedy while others are fearful and vice-versa.

      Just Some Thoughts
